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Safety Patrol

Lead Sponsor: Kimberly Carns

Supporting Sponsor: Officer Katie

For more information on this club, please contact the sponsor at 439-3200. 

General Safety Patrol Information

Safety Patrol is a group of responsible 4th and 5th graders who volunteer their time each morning and afternoon to help make our school safe.  Being a part of the safety patrol is a position of honor and leadership.  We appreciate the work that the patrols do and the time they give to the school. 

A few of the safety patrol responsibilities are:

  1. Opening and closing car doors at carpool
  2. Monitoring school entrances to assure that students are going to designated areas
  3. Raising and lowering flags
  4. Monitoring hallways
  5. Escorting guests
  6. Reporting rules violations to a responsible adult.

2023-2024 Safety Patrol Information

Do you like volunteering for community service? Do you want to help keep the students at our school safe? Consider joining Safety Patrol!

We are searching for students who are interested in serving on our Safety Patrol Team. Fifth grade students will serve on Safety Patrol during the 1st and 2nd nine weeks.  Fourth Graders can serve on safety patrol during the 3rd and 4th 9 weeks. You should only apply for this position if you want to help keep Greystone safe and can commit to keeping up with this responsibility.  Use the link provided in Greystone News to apply for this club.